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Project Europa - Unreal Engine 4




Project Aim

  • Windows

  • Unreal Engine 4/ Visual Script

  • Final year project

  • Create a portfolio piece


My final year project created a 3D Ocean exploration simulation where the player must explore the alien moon of Europa. This was inspired mostly by Subnautica and the TV series Blue Planet. The main project aim was to create a portfolio piece that showcased the skills I'd learnt from my time at University.


Built with Unreal Engine 4, I created an ocean world with life based on creatures found in Earth's oceans. During the projects development a custom steering behaviour system was built using blueprints. The lifeforms couldn't move in 3D space using navigation meshes so the custom steering behaviours fixed this issue. The steering behaviour system was created by translating the ActionScript 3 language into blueprints.


The project had its own unique music composed for the main menu and gameplay level by another student working on their final year assignment.

The composer created a scaling music track that could be changed in tempo depending on the intensity of the gameplay beats.


Gemma Harper-Bone - Portfolio

By the end of the year, I had completed the technical demo. This was showcased at Staffordshire Universities annual student event "GradEX2019" attended by employers and businesses.


Documentation and download

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